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Contest Season is Approaching – There’s a Path for That!

The Pathways education program is where you learn and practice your presentation skills: organizing a speech, eye contact, storytelling; and management skills: planning, coordinating, and relationship building; to name a few.

In a contest event, whether as a contestant, or as a contest official, you get to use all of those skills. If you are taking part as a contest official or contestant, why not leverage your role as a Pathways project?

A Speech Contest Speech could fit…

L1 Projects:

  • Ice Breaker (required for all Paths)
  • Evaluation and Feedback (required for all Paths)
  • Researching and Presenting (required for all Paths)

L2 Projects:

  • Understanding your Communication Style
  • Understanding your Leadership Style

L3 Projects:

  • Connect with Storytelling
  • Connect with Your Audience
  • Effective Body Language
  • Inspire Your Audience
  • Persuasive Speaking
  • Understanding Vocal Variety
  • Using Descriptive Language

Depending on the contest level (Division, Area, or Club), a Contest organizer and Contest chair/Contest Toastmaster role could fit…

  • L2 Managing Time
  • L3 Planning and Implementing
  • L3 Successful Collaboration
  • L3 Develop a Communication Plan
  • L4 Leading Your Team
  • L4 Manage Projects Successfully
  • L4 Motivate Others
  • L5 Manage Successful Events
  • L5 High Performance Leadership
  • L3 Deliver Social Speeches
  • L4 Manage Online Meetings

Contest Chief Judge role could fit…

  • L3 Develop a Communication Plan
  • L4 Leading Your Team
  • L4 Manage Projects Successfully

Contest Zoom Master role could fit…

  • L4 Manage Online Meetings

There are 11 specialized learning paths with more than 300 unique competencies. The above is by all means not an exhaustive list.

Any member can help run a speech contest, and any member can be a contestant in an evaluation contest. The only speech contest with an education requirement for contestants is the International Speech Contest (must have completed Levels 1 and 2 of any path; for more details, visit Toastmasters FAQ).

If you want to reap the full benefits of your membership, speech contests are one of best ways to take your Communication and Leadership skills to the next level.

And remember – there is a Path for that!

Created by Nancy Movrin DTM Program Quality Director 2022 – 2023