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Anne Dockeray 150x225
District Director
Anne Dockeray, DTM

Welcome to a new year of fun learning. Maximize your potential and enhance your digital dexterity through the Toastmasters International Education program. District 86 clubs offer you in -person, hybrid and online/virtual learning opportunities.

Set SMART goals for this Toastmaster year and start working on your plan.

Through the self-paced experiential learning program, you will develop and enhance skills including but not limited to:

Last year, District 86 members worked diligently through Toastmasters International Educational Program. As a result of each member’s success, District 86 will receive a Distinguished Award for Education. I encourage you to keep working through the Toastmasters program to maximize your potential.

The District Executive team is here to support members to achieve their personal Toastmasters goals. Members success is Club success and District success.

District 86 Leadership Resources

Division and Area Director Resources
