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The Power of Mentorship for the New Member and the Role of VP Ed

Happy New Year Toastmasters!

The dawn of 2024 came in with a smooth transition, and here we are in the latter half of
the Toastmasters year.

It’s now time to start thinking about new leadership, speaking opportunities and what’s
next in our growth journey.

Former United States Secretary of State, Colin Powell said, “Success is the result of
perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence.”

It makes me wonder, was he a Toastmasters, as many of the words written above follow
that of our mission: “Toastmasters provide a supportive and positive learning experience
in which members are empowered to develop communication and leadership skills,
resulting in greater self-confidence and personal growth.”

To set yourself up for success this year, here are a few things for you to consider.

For new members:

  • What communication and leadership goals do you want to achieve this year?
  • What’s your first goal?
  • Is another member supporting you on your journey?
  • What Pathway are you working on?
  • Have you completed Level 1?
  • What’s the best experience you’ve had so far?
  • Do you know the name of your VP Education?

A mentor and/ or your VP of Education can help you with every one of the above. Don’t
hesitate to reach out and ask! We are here to support your positive learning

For experienced Toastmasters:

  • Why did you join Toastmasters?
  • Remember the first time you gave a speech in front of your club. How did you feel then, compared to how you feel now?
  • Beyond that first speech, what made those first few months in Toastmasters special?
  • What was the first goal you achieved?
  • Did your club celebrate it?
  • Did you celebrate it?
  • Was another Toastmaster member instrumental in helping you achieve that first goal?
  • Thinking back to your ‘Why’ when you started, are you still focused on that goal? If not, why not?
  • Is there another member encouraging you to move forward on your journey?
  • What’s the best experience you had as a Toastmaster?
  • What’s the most difficult experience you’ve had as a Toastmaster?
  • Have you served as a Club Officer?
  • How do you guide new and existing members on their journey?
  • Do you still live the Toastmasters Promise?

We are never too old to learn, and as Toastmasters we continue to show up to invest in
ourselves and the growth of others. Reach out to your VP Education to invest in the
growth and positive learning experience of all club members.

For VP Education:

Firstly, kudos for stepping up to support the members of your club. Now ask yourself –

  • What is your greatest achievement as VP Education?
  • What have been your key learning points to date?
  • How have you motivated all members to achieve their goals?
  • What are the commonalities between new members and existing Toastmasters?
  • How do you balance the differences between members goals/ their why?
  • Who do you look to as a mentor in the club/ Area or District?

No matter your stage in your Toastmasters journey, the VP Education is a key resource
in setting you on the right direction to be the best you can be. You just have to be ready
to listen, focus and act on what needs to happen; and continue to connect to your WHY!

Check this article for your goal setting plans:
Toastmasters International -Featured-Article

Created by Teresa Carolan Mentorship Co-Chair, Top Drawer Toastmasters