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Should we turn our yearly goals into monthly goals?

Do you need to serve as a Club Mentor or Club Coach to achieve your DTM? You have six months to do it to have it count toward your DTM before this Toastmaster year ends.

Are you making yearly goals in Toastmasters? Have you broken those yearly goals into monthly goals? Yearly goals give us a long time to accomplish something, and it is easy to think we can still do it, but if we miss a monthly goal we have to face it and try and get back on track the next month.

The problem I’ve found with yearly goals as opposed to monthly one is it is easy to think we can still reach our goal when we get to March or June even if we haven’t started. After all, we still have many months to get it done. When do we face the truth that we won’t reach our goal? Isn’t it better to face missing a small goal, than to tell ourselves we can still meet the big one, until we can’t, and a whole year has gone by?

Achieving your DTM is not likely the biggest goal in your life, but if you are getting close to achieving your DTM and only need a couple more things to cross off the list, why not set them as goals and make it happen?

Life is busy and Toastmasters has to fit into your life. Growth in Toastmasters will help you grow in other areas of your life, and achieving your DTM will help you because stepping out of your comfort zone is what you have to do to achieve your DTM. All growth is outside our comfort zone, and we need to keep expanding our comfort zone to keep growing.

If you decide to become a Club Coach one of the best ways to bring in new members is to hold a Speechcraft Program and if a member of the club you are coaching is the Speechcraft Coordinator they achieve a leadership position toward their DTM. When I was the Speechcraft Coordinator we held it in January and February, it was very successful, and benefitted everyone in the club.

Plans are useless but planning is indispensable. Dwight D. Eisenhower

Review is essential to evaluation, which is essential to progress. Melissa Steginus

We have many DTM’s who will be happy to answer your questions, give advice, and point you in the right direction, and I am also here for you as DTM Chair for District 86.

Enjoy the holidays, and make plans to achieve your goals in 2025.

Created by Belynda Wilson Thomas DTM, DTM Chair District 86 2024-2025, Meadowvale Toastmasters