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Program Quality Director
Bhushan Rele, DTM

Welcome to a new year in Toastmasters! I am honored to serve as your District Program Quality Director (PQD), collaborating with all clubs to achieve excellence and support your growth and success.

My responsibilities as your PQD are:

Nurturing Quality Clubs: Ensuring high standards and a valuable experience for all members.

Member Engagement: Keeping our members motivated and facilitating retention and development.

Promoting the Distinguished Club Program (DCP): Encouraging clubs to strive for excellence.

District Conference Planning: Organizing a successful conference with valuable learning and networking opportunities.

Speech Contests: Coordinating and promoting district speech contests to display members’ talents and encourage friendly competition.

Our goal is to help each member reach their full potential as confident leaders and speakers by leveraging Toastmasters International’s resources.

If you are new or considering joining, please reach out. We are here to support you. Discover Toastmasters’ benefits by visiting our clubs, joining the conversation, and developing your skills through our programs.

To our established members, your experience and dedication are invaluable. Your continued involvement and mentorship will inspire and guide newer members.

To our upcoming leaders, this is your opportunity to step up and have influence. Embrace the challenges and opportunities ahead, and remember, the district team and I are here to support you every step of the way.

Sharing useful resources for you:


I hope you are as eager as I am to achieve your goals this year. It will be a pleasure and honor to serve you alongside the District Program Quality Team.

PQD Team Members

Logistics Manager Jimmy Chien HeadShot
Jimmy Chien

Program Quality Club Chair

Carl Naus 150x225

Carl Naus, DTM

Chief Judge

Guerdah Felix 150x225

Guerdah Felix, DTM

Pathways Chair

L53 April Borroughs 150 x225
April Burroughs

Spring Conference Co-Chair


Mikael Gatje, DTM

Spring Conference Co-Chair

Swati Agal 150x225

Swati Agal

Incentives Chair

Amar Sandhu 150x225

Amar Sandhu

EasySpeak Chair

Debera Flynn 150x225

Debera Flynn, DTM

FreeHostToast Chair

Teresa Carolan 150x225

Teresa Carolan

Mentoring Co-Chair

Marianna Burka 150x225

Marianna Burka, DTM

Mentoring Co-Chair

Stephanie Eve Manica 150x225

Stephanie Manica

Inclusivity, Diversity, Equality, and Accessibilities Chair (IDEA)

General District 86 Resources

Excellence in Club Meetings

Click to Download

Pathways Resources

Click to download

Our Conference is expected to be around April and the date is to be confirmed. Attending a Toastmasters District Conference is beneficial for both members and leaders, offering numerous benefits that can enhance your Toastmasters journey. Some of these are:

  • Networking: Connect with Toastmasters members from different clubs and club officers from other areas and districts, forming valuable connections and friendships.
  • Educational Sessions: Participate in workshops and seminars on public speaking, leadership, and personal growth.
  • Inspiration: Listen to keynote speeches from distinguished speakers who share their success stories and insights.
  • Recognition: Celebrate the achievements of clubs and members, motivating you to strive for excellence.
  • Speech Contests: Watch top speakers compete, providing learning opportunities through observation and evaluation.
  • Leadership Development: Gain insights into effective leadership practices from experienced district leaders.
  • Fun and Fellowship: Enjoy social events and entertainment, bonding with fellow Toastmasters.

Click to Download

Easy-Speak is a meeting management software program written by a Toastmaster for Toastmasters designed to minimize human effort in the administration of the club and maximize the data available to run the club effectively.

FreeToastHost is a webhost which comes with easy-to-use web-based software ideal for any Toastmasters club. FreeToastHost websites use the domain names and for the club and district websites, respectively.

Contact District 86 Easy Speak Chair and/or FreeToastHost Chair– if you are interested in learning more about these products and how it can help your club. Both these are free of cost to clubs.

Click here to download the PQD Incentives

There are tons of incentives for you and your club to earn this Toastmaster year 2024 – 2025. Don’t wait, see Program Quality Incentives and CGD_Incentives

Click to Download

Click to Download

Click to Download

Easy Speak

Easy-Speak is a meeting management software program written by a Toastmaster for Toastmasters designed to minimize human effort in the administration of the club and maximize the data available to run the club effectively.

Contact District 86 Easy Speak Chair  – if you are interested in learning more about the product.  The Easy Speak Chair is very knowledgeable about the software and how it can help your club and make the entire meeting management process for VPE’s easier and more productive.

Click to Download

District 86 Contest Information


District86 will be having the International Speech contest and Evaluation
contest this year.  Both these contests
will be in-person starting from Area, Division and District levels. At these contests:

  • Members have an
    excellent opportunity to develop and display their public speaking skills.
  • Contests provide
    different opportunities to engage and help members develop through
  • Looking to attract new
    members, invite guests to your contest.


Both the contest periods in District 86 are:

  • Club
    Contests: November 1, 2024, to December 31, 2025
    • Areas with four or
      less clubs in good standing 8 weeks prior to the Area Contests, will send
      two contestants from each club to the to compete at each of the Area
    • Areas with more than
      four clubs in good standing 8 weeks prior to the Area Contest, will send
      one contestant from each club to compete at the Area contests.
  • Area
    Contests: January 1, 2025, to February 15, 2025
    • Divisions with four or
      less Areas will send two contestants from each of the Area Contests to
      compete at the Division contest.
  • Division
    Contests: February 16, 2025, to March 31, 2025
    • Divisions will send
      the first-place contestant of each of the Division contests to compete
      and the District Level Contests.
  • District
    86 Contest: April 26 – 27 2025
    • Winner of the
      International Speech Contest goes on to the Region Quarter Final.
    • Any other type of
      Contest concludes at the District level.


Toastmasters’ International provides the resources below on their


Wishing you a fun and successful contest season! The Program Quality
Team is here to support You!

 Contest Rulebook July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025

Contest Script for International Speech and Evaluation Contests

Online /Hybrid Speech Contests

Contest Tutorials

Certification of Eligibility and Originality

Certification of Eligibility and Code of Ethics

Contestant Profile

Contests FAQ

Speech Contest Kit

Evaluation Contest Kit

Speech Contest Judge’s Guide and Ballot

Evaluation Contest Judge’s Guide and Ballot

Speech Contest Tiebreaking Judge’s Guide and Ballot

Evaluation Contest Tiebreaking Guide/Ballot

Tally Sheet

Contest Time Record Sheet and Instructions for Timers

of Contest Winner

Speech Contest
Certificate Set Contest Certificate Set


Contest Region Quarterfinals Video Release Form

Stop Light Timer Backgrounds

Zoom Backgrounds

Wishing you a fun and successful contest season!

The Program Quality Team is here to support You!


Challenging Conversations

by Monique Levesque-Pharoah, DTM (2016-2018 International Director) on 27 September 21.